
Sunprints I made in the summer at the family cottage

Monday, 27 June 2016

Rust Dyeing

I've become interested in rust dyeing and rusted a few pieces over the weekend.  These are cotton and I wet them with vinegar and wrapped them in steel wool and wrapped them in plastic.  Then I put them on the hot back deck for a few hours and left them overnight.  Here they are on the line the next morning after being washed out with gentle natural soap.  Now that they've been rust dyed they will take tannin very well so my next step will be to put some tannin-rich plants on them and eco  print them. I put a yarn doily on the long sleeved t-shirt to act as a resist and it just left a circle.  I will stamp something in the circle.  Please leave a comment or email any comments to me at

The two pieces of cotton are vintage fabric serviettes that I inherited from my parents.  They have a nice texture.

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