
Sunprints I made in the summer at the family cottage

Thursday, 29 July 2021

Printing on a Heat Press

This month I've been taking a course with Jane Dunnewold eco printing on a heat press.  I find it works more quickly and quite differently than the traditional steaming method.  Here's a photo of the press I got.  It's a Siser 15 X 15 inch press.  You can see I made teflon covers for the platens.

 Here are a few of my first prints on watercolour paper on the press.  The colours and the prints are more intense I find.  This is coreopsis and smoke bush leaves on the left and coreopsis and rose leaves on the right.  The smoke bush was not quite ready for printing yet.

I have lots of coreopsis in the garden and they come out bright orange...  The background here is herb robert.  Thanks for having a look!


Anne said...

The colours really are great! Thanks for the update on your progress and the workshop.

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Connie, those look great! What amazing colours.