
Sunprints I made in the summer at the family cottage

Tuesday, 8 May 2018

Recent projects

Recently I did a bit of printing with a piece of styrofoam that I found in some packaging material at work.  It looks like a hockey puck but it's made up of two rings and a centre which interlock. Below is some printing in which I separated the parts to print different colours in a circle.

This is a close up of a print.  You can see it's kind of fuzzy because of the styrofoam.

Here I used part of the styrofoam stamp to make the centre of these blue flowers.  Then I added petals around the centre. The petal stamp was carved from an eraser.  The background fabric was something I made earlier with pole wrapping.

Here's a close up below of the flowers.  I like the way the background shows a little through the petals. I'm still deciding whether to make stems or not.

 And on a completely different note, I sewed together some plastic food packaging into a large rectangle on the weekend.  I'm not sure yet what I'll make with it.  But at least I could make a shopping bag with it.  Thanks for having a look!

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