
Sunprints I made in the summer at the family cottage

Monday, 12 December 2016

Colour Unboxed show

I've finally finished my two pieces for the Colour Unboxed show in Almonte and am bringing  them to the Mississippi Valley Textile Museum in Almonte tomorrow.  The show runs from Dec 20 (2016) to February 27th, 2017.  Here's a link to the show on the museum website:   Here's a photo of one of my pieces:

This piece is called "The View from Here".  It's an underwater scene in a northern Canadian lake. It measures 80 X 100 cm and is mounted on a painted  canvas.  I hand painted the fabrics in this piece and printed the fish with rubber fish replicas (gyotaku).  You can see rocks at the bottom of the lake.

This is my second piece measuring 41.5 X 51.5 cm called Eco Print 2016 which is an eco print done this past summer at the family cottage.  I've framed it under glass in a metal frame which is not visible here.  I printed two sumac branches.  If you live in the Ottawa area go and have a look at the show.  We have many colourful pieces on display there in the main display area of the Mississippi Valley Textile Museum.  Thanks for stopping by and please leave me a comment!

1 comment:

Juanita said...

Beautiful! Can't wait to see them at the exhibition!