Recently I've been learning how to make little books. An artist friend of mine Andrée Faubert showed me how to make a basic book and I also followed a video online to make some books out of recycled calendars. I don't like throwing the calendar photos out so I have a stack of them! Here are a few of my books filled with blank pages. The third one was bound with one of my botanical prints. There are some pockets in the middle of each book. Click on the photo for a larger image. Thanks for having a look!
Connie's Textile Art

Sunprints I made in the summer at the family cottage
Sunday, 25 August 2024
Wednesday, 24 April 2024
Preparing for Fibre Fling 2024!
I'm participating in Fibre Fling this spring again! It's on May 3rd and 4th at Kitchissippi United Church. See the poster for details. Here are my fabrics laid out on the living room floor as I organized them.
Friday, 15 September 2023
Botanical Printing
This summer I haven't made a lot because I've been unwell. But I did get to do some botanical printing on my heat press. The prints below were done with a wild grape colour blanket. I'm glad I planted the Japanese maple last year because it shows up well. The other plants are St. John's wort, rose leaves and coreopsis flowers.
The prints below are a little smaller and are overprinted on backgrounds I didn't like that much from previous printing. More coreopsis and Japanese maple. Thanks again for having a look.
Wednesday, 17 May 2023
Munster Library exhibit
Out-of-the-Box had an exhibit at the Munster Library in April 2023. This is the piece I made for the show. It measures 18.5 X 25.5 inches. It's called New Life. The theme of the show was Spring Awakening. I made this with hand painted fabric (sun printed) for the top and hand painted cotton for the bottom. I added some hand embroidery and machine quilting. Thanks for having a look!
Tuesday, 16 May 2023
Fibre Fling 2023
We just had Fibre Fling 2023 at Kitchissippi United Church in April and this year it was in person again. I had some hand painted fabrics for sale there and I did sell some. I haven't been posting because I've been unwell for several months. But I'm slowly getting into making some artwork again. Here are some of my fabrics on the left three rows. It was so great to have a live show again!
Friday, 8 April 2022
Fibre Fling 2022
Out of the Box Fibre Artists is having their Fibre Fling show online again this year! The show last year was very well attended. I will have some botanical print silk scarves and greeting cards for sale. Please mark the dates in your calendar and visit us at between April 23rd and May 8th. Enjoy the show!
Wednesday, 16 February 2022
Wedding Quilt!
When my husband and I got married I asked each guest at our wedding to bring a piece of fabric that represented something to them. My idea was to make a wedding quilt out of the fabrics to hang on the wall. I also had the guests sign a large piece of fabric which I would include. I had set myself a large challenge because I received such a variety of fabrics it was difficult to make them all look good together. I wanted to include all of them so I ended up including some of them on the back. Well it has taken me longer than I had hoped because there were so many little decisions to make and because I realized later that I enjoy the designing part but I don't enjoy quilting the layers together as much. I also went from quilter to textile artist in the meantime so my style has changed. But I realized recently that I really wanted to finish it so I pushed through and here it is ready in time for our 25th wedding anniversary in July 2022! Phew! I'm actually happy with it. It measures 46.5 inches square. Click on each photo to enlarge.
This is the back of the quilt:
The signed piece of fabric:
And here is the label I made for it:
Please leave a comment below and thanks for having a look!